The UK manufacturer of KaasenPro has worked alongside top professionals from many disciplines to develop therapeutic protocols. The result is a single device which can enhance many existing hands-on therapies, when delivered by physical therapy professionals.

KaasenPro treatment aids with:

❖ Elite athlete performance and recovery
❖ Arthritic joints
❖ Post-injury & post-operative swelling
❖ Rehabilitation and recovery
❖ Soft tissue injuries
❖ Pain management

Reduces Systemic Inflammation: Targeted ‘cold-shock’ stimulates immediate improvement in blood flow and lymphatic drainage; alongside reduction of haematomas, oedemas and swellings.

Pain Relief:  As a reaction to extreme cold in the target area, hormones including adrenaline and β-endorphins are released, which are powerful natural painkillers. This provides immediate pain relief.

Muscle Relaxation: Reduced systemic inflammation reduces the muscle tension, which increases the range of movement and allows faster rehabilitation.

Improved Performance: Regular cryo-stimulation can increase mental focus, stamina and endurance; whilst reducing muscle fatigue and soreness. Results are immediate and, depending on the condition, last from several hours to days, after one single treatment.

Don’t take our word for it:

‘Cryotherapy applied va Kaasen is the most effective modality to date that I have introduced to my clients. It ”marries” with many other modalities currently in use, and my clients love it’

David Jenkins, Professional Sports Therapist, Scotland

This incredible device enhances the therapies I practice and has greatly improved some of the treatment I undertake with my elite athlete clients.

Using cryotherapy before warm up exercise has played a part in preparation for training with my pro fighters I work with; making muscles more subtle and increasing endurance.

Chirag Patel, Clinical Director, @MyPhysio, MyPhysio Croydon

Practitioner Benefits:

The software and pressure options ensure the optimal delivery of cryo-stimulation to enhance the outcome of treatments applied by the skilled practitioner. This device can bring forward treatment programmes, reduce pain and save the hands of anyone performing massage and tissue manipulation.

Quick Treatments
Massage and manipulation times can be halved without reducing effectiveness – reducing discomfort fo clients and practitioners.

Easy Muscle Manipulation
Up to 25% “looser” muscle makes manipulation and massage easier –more comfortable and reduced risk of fatigue and repetitive strain issues for the practitioner.

Increased Revenue
Reduced treatment times mean more client appointments can be booked each day.

You are able to travel to competitions, events and even do home visits with the device.

Delighted Clients
Positive outcomes will encourage customer satisfaction and increase the chance of repeat custom.